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You are here: Home > FILTER > Aquarium Filtration: Replacement Media > Aquarium Chemical Filtration Media: Carbon

Filter Media: Activated Carbon

Chemical filtration is most commonly accomplished by means of activated carbon. The carbon's micro-porous structure absorbs dissolved organics, chloramines, fish odors, toxic metals, toxic gases and growth inhibiting enzymes. We carry carbon from several companies.

Tips for using activated carbon:
  • Be sure to use granular activated carbon (GAC) sold specifically for aquarium use. The activation process substantially increases the porosity of the carbon, and as a result greatly increases the total active surface area, allowing it to be much more effective at absorbing compounds that need to be removed from the tank's water.
  • Your activated carbon will work much better if water is actually forced to go through the amount used, rather than just flowed by, and over it. More contact between the activated carbon and the water obviously results in a more efficient cleansing process.
  • Activated carbon has a maximum adsorption capacity, which is the reason that it should be replaced every 30 to 60 days on average.
  • In reef tanks, put the carbon behind the live rock or in the sump.
  • Pelletized carbon should be used in high flow areas where GAC can be ground into powder or compacted. Pelletized carbon will not compact or dissolve.
Media Bags
Boyds Chemi-Pure and Chemi-Pure Elite come pre-bagged inside the jar. Blue Life Clear FX Pro comes with a media bag. Other products need to be bagged using one of the Acurel or Inland Seas Media Bags. You'll save money by bagging your own carbon.



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