Two Little Fishies CDX Carbon Dioxide Adsorption Media helps maintain and elevate aquarium pH by removing CO2 (carbon dioxide) introduced through a protein skimmer. Excess CO2 is a problem because it dissolves into aquarium water amd depresses the average pH. Simply pour the CDX into a tall columnar reactor such as the
Two Little Fishies PhosBan Reactor and connect the CDX-filled reactor to your protein skimmer's air intake hose. You can use the
Two Little Fishies CDX Adaptor or a similar barbed, reducing fitting to connect the air intake for the protein skimmer to the outflow pipe of the reactor.
- 3 liters
- 1 liter of CDX will last about 6 weeks (or longer) with a flow rate of about 100 LPM of home recycled air
- NOTE: CDX reacts to carbon dioxide in the air. Keep the container sealed and do NOT wet the CDX with water.