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Seachem Acid Buffer, 300 gm

Seachem Acid Buffer, 300 gm

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  • Brand & Manufacturer:: Seachem Acid Buffer Additive
Product Code: RSC02460

Seachem Acid Buffer is a non-phosphate buffer to lower pH and buffer with Alkaline Buffer. Both buffers are designed for the planted aquarium or for very hard water where phosphate buffers may pose an algae or cloudiness problem. Acid Buffer lowers pH and buffers between 5.0 and 8.0 when used with Alkaline Buffer. As Acid Buffer lowers pH it converts carbonate alkalinity (KH) into available CO2. It may also be used to safely lower pH in marine water.
  • To lower pH, use 2 g (1⁄4 teaspoon) to every 80 L (20 gallons*) daily until intended pH is reached (this dose lowers alkalinity by about 0.2 meq/L (0.6 dKH)). Best if added directly to aquarium.
  • If water is soft or not well buffered, use with Alkaline Buffer
  • TIP: Larger doses may be required in very hard (KH) alkaline waters
  • Please contact us with any questions you have.

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