Gravel Vacs, Aqueon
The Aqueon Aquarium Water Changer was developed to make routine water changes and vacuuming gravel easy and efficient for any level aquarist.
Gravel Vacs, JBJ Instant Siphon
The JBJ Instant Siphon Gravel Cleaner is in an all-in-one gravel cleaner that makes maintenance fun and simplified. This tool is so simple and easy to operate, you'll never need to purchase another gravel cleaner again.
Gravel Vacs, Python
The Python No Spill Clean and Fill Gravel Vacs come with either 25 foot or 50 foot hoses and are designed to hook the output hose to a standard sink faucet or to a garden hose. This eliminates a need for a bucket and is especially useful with larger aquariums where you might be removing 10 or more gallons from your aquarium for a water change.