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Two Little Fishies AccuraSea1 Artificial Saltwater Mix - Product Spotlight

AccuraSea1 comes in unique 5-gallon packets
Aquarium salt is not just salt, it is a conglomeration of various minerals and elements. When packaged in large buckets or bulk quantities, the heaviest components tend to settle at the bottom of the bucket and the lighter components end up on top. Because of this, unless you use the entire container at one time, each batch of saltwater will be mixed to slightly different parameters. AccuraSea1 comes packaged as ten 5-gallon packets, so you don’t have to worry about elements settling in your bucket because you can easily use an entire package. With an even and exact mixture in every small bag, it ensures that each batch of salt water is mixed exactly the same.

AccuraSea1 mixes to desired levels of common reef parameters
It is exceptionally hard to maintain targeted element parameters when your starting saltwater is very different from your targeted parameters. Each water change will move your parameters further from the target rather than closer. Varying mixtures and distribution of elements in your salt will cause this inconsistency in your water parameters. With AccuraSea1 there are exact measurements of salinity at 1.026, Alkalinity at 8dKH, Calcium at 420ppm, and Magnesium at 1300ppm. This is right where most aquarist target these levels so water changes move the parameters closer to the target levels rather than farther away, and keep them consistent with each use.

AccuraSea1 mixes clean and clear
We have tested and tried many different salt brands for our tanks in the office over the years. One of the most annoying things about budget salt mixes is the anti-caking agents that leave brown residue in your mixing container. While this residue doesn’t hurt anything, it can be bothersome and it requires frequent cleaning to remove. We now use AccuraSea1 in all of our office aquariums, as it uses high-quality ingredients; and we have noticed the issues with excessive residue in our mixing containers is gone.
  • Please contact us with any questions you have.

  • [email protected]

    We answer all emails through 3 PM the same day (m-f).

  • (480) 491-5283

    Monday-Friday 9:00 am to 11:00 am & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm MT. We will return all phone calls through 3 PM the same day.

    Note: we do not have daylight savings time in Arizona

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