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Reef Octopus BioSpheres 1000 ml Bag
Reef Octopus BioSpheres 1000 ml Bag - Image 1 of 0
Reef Octopus BioSpheres 1000 ml Bag - Image 2 of 0
Reef Octopus BioSpheres 1000 ml Bag - Image 1 of 0
Reef Octopus BioSpheres 1000 ml Bag - Image 2 of 0
Reef Octopus BioSpheres 1000 ml Bag - Image 1 of 0
Reef Octopus BioSpheres 1000 ml Bag - Image 2 of 0

Reef Octopus BioSpheres, 1000 ml Bag

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  • Brand & Manufacturer:: Reef Octopus BioSpheres
Product Code: RCV23371

Reef Octopus BioSpheres naturally reduce nitrates and phosphates in an aquarium. Bio-Spheres biopellet media is a 100% pure biologically degradable polymer solid carbon source that helps reduce nitrates and phosphates within a marine environment by encouraging the growth of beneficial bacteria and enzymes on the media’s surface. Bio-Spheres provides a food source required for beneficial bacteria to reproduce and metabolize nitrates and phosphates.

It's recommended to use this media in a Bio Pellets Reactor that is designed for Bio Pellet media, such as the Reef Octopus Bio-Pellets Reactors. Use approximately 100 – 150 ml of Bio-Spheres per 25 gallons of system volume or what is suggested for your reactor of choice.
  • 1000 ml Bag
  • 100% natural polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA)
  • Round shape
  • Reduces nitrates & phosphates
  • No harmful chemical additives or binders
  • Self regulating media
  • Helps establish low nutrient systems
  • Increases protein skimmer efficiency
Directions for use:
It's recommended to use this media in a Bio Pellets Reactor that designed for Bio Pellet media. We sugggest looking at the extensive line of Reef Octopus Bio-Pellets Reactors. Ultimately you want to make sure that there have enough water flow throw the reactor to supply needed oxygen to prevent hydrogen sulfate (H2S) from being produced which can be harmful to your aquarium.

Use approximately 100 – 150ml of Bio-Spheres per 25 gallons of system volume or what is suggested for your reactor of choice. {When introducing any biopellet media for the first time, add small amounts gradually over the period of a couple months to prevent sudden crashes of Nitrate and phosphate levels and eliminates the risk of a bacterial bloom within the system} Rinse the Bio-Spheres with purified fresh water and place in a properly sized fluidized media reactor with sufficient flow to keep them gently simmering. It is suggested to allow the media to soak overnight especially when installing the system for the first time. If the media begins to clump or slime up, they will be less effective and may turn anaerobic causing the production of hydrogen sulfide.

The Reef Octopus BioPellet Reactor and Biochurns are the most effective reactors for the bio-pellet media. If possible it is best to place the reactor in the same chamber as the protein skimmer or direct the output of the reactor into the same area as the protein skimmer. Within 3-4 weeks the Bio-Spheres will be sufficiently colonized with bacteria and will begin to reduce the organic compounds within your system. Aquariums with high bio-loads may experience a short period of temporary water cloudiness.

Bio-Spheres will remain effective until they disappear, which normally take approximately 8 months to a year. We recommend that you top off with fresh Bio-Spheres every 3 months to maintain maximum effectiveness.

Due to the number of factors that influence an aquariums Nitrate and Phosphate levels it is best to monitor your Nitrate & Phosphate levels using accurate test kits.

Solid carbon dosing (bio pellets) has recently become an extremely popular method of removing nitrates from the saltwater aquarium. Most Bio-Pellets are made primarily of a biodegradable polymer that “feed” and promote aerobic and anaerobic bacteria making it a viable carbon source to consume nutrients (NO3 and PO4) within the water column. Just like the traditional methods of dosing Vodka, vinegar or sugar as a carbon source directly to the water column to promote the reproduction of bacteria cultures in our aquarium system to consume nutrients with the common downside of unsightly, stringy bacteria throughout the system. By utilizing a reactor filled with solid bio-pellets changes everything! Rather than staging the entire aquarium into an ecosystem of bacteria, a reactor allows us to provide those microscopic creatures with a “food dish” tucked neatly away in the stand. Now the bacteria congregate in the confined space of a reactor and continue the same life cycle as before without leaving their mess behind for us to look at.

Small Pump or feed source pushing enough flow to keep the media in suspension. Recommend an appropriate sizes protein skimmer. * Optional bacterial strains like KZ Zeobak, MicroBacter7 or equivalent (This may speed up the process and help maintain populations of beneficial bacteria but is not absolutely required)

Fill the reactor with the appropriate amount of Bio Pellets* Place the pump in the tank and Set up the reactor in your desired location. Apply the water flow to the reactor and adjust it so that all of the media is tumbling slowly to start. You may adjust the flow to your systems needs. For best results direct the effluent of the reactor near your protein skimmers intake pump. Bio-Pellets require up to 8 weeks for the bacteria to colonize. During this time resist any temptation to change anything settings to your reactor. You may experience a small bacterial bloom when initiated but will subside within a few days. For extreme cloudy water conditions take action by agitating the water surface. Top off every 3 months or so, back to their original quantity, to maintain maximum effectiveness.

-Remove GFO during the initial phases of the seeding of the reactor
-Allow 8 weeks before making adjustments to the reactor Additions of bacteria supplements can help diversify the bacteria
-Remove UV sterilizers
-Make sure your skimmer is running at full efficiency and the effluent of the reactor is directed towards the skimmer feed pump
-Keep the reactor in a dark area away from light
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